Tiny Books for Tiny Folks(以下「Tiny Books」や「私ども」といいます)は、会員制の図書館サービスです。会員の方(以下「会員」や「お客様」といいます)は、同意の上、お申し込みください。
1. お客様個人情報
1.1 お客様は以下のことに同意します。
・Tiny Booksへの登録に際し、必要な情報を提供します。
・住所変更があった場合、Tiny Booksへ連絡します。
・支払い方法の更新があった場合、Tiny Books連絡します。
1.2 個人情報の取り扱いについては、個人情報保護方針をご覧ください。
2. 貸出
2.1 毎月28日までに本の予約をしていただくか、Tiny Booksがお客様のために予約をいたします。
2.2 予約された本は、翌月第1週目までにお届けします。
2.3 予定に変更がある場合は、速やかにお知らせします。
2.4 本は毎月25日までに返却してください。
2.5 返却期限が過ぎた場合、延滞金がかかります。詳細は、4.延滞と延滞金についてをご覧ください。
2.6 何らかの理由でサービスを一時休止される場合、休会フォームよりご連絡ください。(よくある質問参照)
3. 図書の利用
3.1 Tiny Booksが貸し出した本を営利、非営利目的で無断でコピーすることはできません。
4. 延滞と延滞金
4.1 お客様の責任で、貸出、期限内の返却をお願いします。違反されますと、他のお客様のご迷惑となります。責任を持ってご利用いただくため、延滞金をいただいております。
4.2 延滞を防ぐため、返却期限がある本をお持ちの場合はメールでお知らせします。返却期限を過ぎた場合、メールでお知らせします。そのため、Eメールアドレスの更新の連絡や、受信拒否設定の解除をお願いします。
4.3 延滞された場合、1冊1日10円の延滞金をいただきます。本の返却が確認されましたら、延滞金額をメールでお知らせします。遅延金は来月の支払いに加算されます。年会員につきましては、メールで遅延金の支払い方法をお知らせします。
4.4 1,000円以上の遅延金が発生した場合、遅延金をお支払いいただくまで、本の貸し出しはできなくなります。
5.1 お客様の責任で、本はきれいな状態に保ってください。本を破損された場合、tinybookstinyfolks@gmail.comまでメールでお知らせください。本の返却後、こちらで状態を確認し、弁償金の支払いについてお知らせします。
5.2 本が修復できないほどに破損している場合(破れ、ページの紛失、水汚れ、汚れなど)、本の買い替えが必要となります。こちらで本の価格をお調べし、弁償金と支払い方法をご連絡します。この金額には管理費を含みますのでご注意ください。連絡がありましたら、再度図書館をご利用になる前に、弁償金をお支払いください。
6.1 本を紛失された場合、速やかにtinybookstinyfolks@gmail.comまでメールでお知らせください。こちらで本の価格をお調べし、弁償金と支払い方法をご連絡します。この金額には管理費を含みますのでご注意ください。連絡がありましたら、再度図書館をご利用になる前に、弁償金をお支払いください。
7. 配達
7.1 お客様が登録された住所以外への本の配達はお断りします。
8.1 よくある質問にある方法で、休会や退会の手続きをされない限り、会費は滞りなくお支払いください。
8.2 全ての支払いが確認できるまで、図書館のご利用はできません。
9.1 ご利用条件に違反された場合、予告なしに休会や退会をしていただきます。
10.1 いかなる時にも、ご利用条件を変更する場合があります。変更がある場合、ホームページでお知らせします。(www.tinybooksfortinyfolks.com)変更後も、サービスをご利用いただくため、変更後のご利用条件に同意してください。
Terms & Conditions
Tiny Books for Tiny Folks (hereafter known as “Tiny Books” or “we”) is a membership-subscription based library service and, in registering to use our Library service, you, the Member, (hereafter known as “Member” or “you”) agree to accept our terms and conditions.
1. Your Details
1.1 You agree:
○ To provide Tiny Books with the information needed to create and maintain your registration
○ To inform us if you change your address
○ To inform us if you have updated your payment details
1.2 Please view our Privacy Policy regarding Member details’ usage.
2. Borrowing
2.1 All items must be reserved by the Member by 28th of each month or Tiny Books reserves the right to select the books on behalf of the Member.
2.2 Reserved books will be checked out and sent to the member by week 1 of each month.
2.3 We will notify the Member if there are any changes to the schedule on a best effort basis.
2.4 All items borrowed must be returned by 25th of each month.
2.5 Items returned late will be subject to a fine. Please see 4.Overdue items and Fines section for more information.
2.6 It is the responsibility of the Member to inform Tiny Books of any situation when they need to suspend their services via the Membership Holiday Form (see Membership FAQ).
3. Use of library materials
3.1 Members shall not make unauthorised physical or digital copies of items on loan from Tiny Books for both commercial or non-commercial purposes.
4. Overdue items and Fines
4.1 It is your responsibility to manage your Library borrowing and to return your items on time. Failure to do so means other Library users are delayed in accessing items. Library fines are charged as an incentive to encourage responsible borrowing.
4.2 We help you to avoid fines by sending you an email to let you know if any of your items are due to be returned. If an item does go overdue, we will send you an email to inform you of this. You are required to ensure that we have your up-to-date email address and that your email client’s spam filter will allow the email to be received.
4.3 Any member who fails to return an item on time (as stated in 2. Borrowing) will be fined 10yen/day that elapses before the item is returned. Once we have received the item, we will send you an email informing you of the fine and this amount will be added to your next month’s subscription. For annual members, you will receive an email with the payment options for the fine.
4.4 If you have outstanding fines of more than 1000yen, book borrowing privileges will be put on hold until your fine has been paid.
5. Damage
5.1 It is your responsibility to make sure that books are kept in the best condition for the benefit of all members. If there are any damages done to the book, please inform Tiny Books by email at tinybookstinyfolks@gmail.com. We will assess the damage when we receive the book after the book is returned and inform you of the payment required to repair the book.
5.2 If the book is very badly damaged (such as torn pages, lost pages, water damage, vandalism etc), we will need to replace the book. We will investigate the price of replacement of the damaged item and contact you once this has been calculated to advise you of the payment required and payment options. Please note that this price will include an administrative fee. Once informed of the price of replacement, the damaged item will need to be paid for in full before you can use the Library again.
6. Lost books
6.1 If you have lost a book borrowed from Tiny Books, please inform us immediately at tinybookstinyfolks@gmail.com. We will investigate the price of replacement of the lost item and contact you once this has been calculated. Please note that this price will include an administrative fee. Once informed of the price of replacement, the lost item will need to be paid for before you can use the Library again.
7. Delivery
7.1 We reserve the right to refuse to dispatch items to an address other than the Member’s registered address.
8. Payment
8.1 Members are to pay their dues timely unless they advise Tiny Books via the methods stated in the Membership FAQ section of any request for membership holiday or termination.
8.2 We reserve the right to suspend the provision of the library services to any member until any payment due has been received in full.
9. Termination
9.1 We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the services for any Member without prior notice, if the member is in breach of our terms and conditions.
10. Changes to terms and conditions
10.1 We may revise these conditions at any time and any changes will be notified via our website (www.tinybooksfortinyfolks.com). By continuing to use our services after we notify a change of condition, you are agreeing to these revised terms and conditions of use.
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